Monday, May 30, 2011

Big Time Blake

I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record; in fact, I'm starting to feel like a broken record -- but Blake is getting big! So big, in fact, he's more of a little man. See for yourself.

big enough to try eating with a spoon on his own

big enough to get concerned about the Giants and don his rally cap

even big enough to go down the slide on his own!

We've still got a lot to look forward to, of course. Blake certainly has BIG shoes to fill!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Great Outdoors

Perhaps I should have called this blog Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

This past weekend, Blake, Ryan and I went to the Sacramento Zoo. Blake and Ryan got us a family pass for Mother's Day. I am not sure who had more fun watching what: Blake watching all the animals, or Ryan and I watching Blake and his big, wide eyes.

A few days before the zoo, I took Blake for his first trip to the local park with the giant playground. Blake was also quite wide-eyed here. You can tell by this first pic, he doesn't know where to start.

It didn't take him long though. Soon, he was crawling all over the jungle gym, touching anything he could reach.

Forget the jungle gym, part of the fun was just watching all the other kids have fun.

There are plenty of playground features Blake is still too little for. The slide for instance.

Then there are the playground features that are just his size!

Check him out now. This hole was Blake's favorite part.

Between the zoo and the park, it was quite the fun week. Good thing we got all that in before the Sunday hail storm.

I hope that's the only picture on this blog that is not a sign of the fun summer still to come.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mommy Knows Best

Mother's Day 2011 was very low-key. Blake got to see both of his grandmothers the day before.

Here's Blake with his favorite Nana in Stockton. They have matching smiles!

I neglected to take any pictures later that night when Blake got to spend time with both his Gramma and his GG (Great Grandma). But I do have a recent vacation pic of Blake with Grandma Lynne. Aaaaaawww.

As for the actual holiday, we did what I wanted to do most (besides sleep in): we spent the day at home as a family. Here's Blake and me at dinner time, a delicious meal thanks to Dad.

Yes, Mommy definitely knows best. Mother's Day 2011 was perfectly relaxing, and I continue to think how much of an amazing difference a year makes.

Mothers' Day 2010