Saturday, September 17, 2011

Blake Under the Big Top

I took Blake to the circus a few nights ago. I was nervous about the scary clowns and tigers, but Blake loved every minute of it. We sat in the upper level, so it was far enough away to be scared, but still close enough to be over-stimulated as is the goal of the crazy circus people. It was hard to tell which acts were Blake's favorites because he couldn't take his eyes off any of it. See for yourself.

I think Blake thought it really was the greatest show on Earth.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Check(up) Please!

Today, Blake had his 18-month doctor's appointment. They weighed him, measured him, poked him and smiled at him. As usual, Blake's least favorite part was the needle in the thigh (this time, a routine flu shot).

On the scale

Here are Blake's official stats:

Height: 34" (almost 3 feet!) -- 90th percentile
Weight: 27 lbs 0.7 ounces -- 60-something percentile
Cuteness: 200th percentile

I also took Blake's official 18-month picture next to Billy Bear. I'll compare every 6 months now instead of every one month. Below are the most recent, followed by the first 12 months of his life. You can see just how grown-up he's getting. Now enjoy this trip down memory lane... memories of when Blake really was a baby and not the big kid he is today.

Eighteen Months

One Year

Eleven Months

Ten Months

Nine Months

Eight Months

Seven Months

Six Months

Five Months

Four Months

Three Months

Two Months

One Month

One Day

Monday, September 5, 2011


All In The Family

Blake had never met his cousins until this summer. Remember the family wedding back in June? (See His cousins from Virginia came all the way out to California for the occasion. They even got to stay the whole summer. Here are some fun pics to illustrate what a good time Blake had with them. We look forward to more visits from our Virginia family in the future.

Blake's New Do

This blog is about another big first: Blake's first proper hair cut at a proper salon for kids. Blake did great! He got to sit in a fun toy car, play with a lot of new toys and experience some new sights and sounds. He only made some nervous noises when the nice haircut lady brought out the clippers. There were no tears. Except from me. The curls are gone (for now), and my boy looks so grown up. Seriously, the new do aged Blake by at least a few months or years. I almost feel obligated to change the name of this blog. He really no longer is Blake the baby, as you're about to see. I only took about a bazillion photos so take a look at my kiddo's new look.

Here's the Before Picture

The squirt bottle!

Sit still, Baby Blake

Don't Be Nervous

Quick! Here's Something With Buttons!

Who Is This Haircut Lady?

Bye Bye Curls

Check Me Out

Check Us Out


We're heading into a critical time of year: MLB playoffs. And Blake is starting to realize this year may not end up like the last. As Ryan always says, Blake was born and then the Giants won their first SF World Series. Coincidence? Maybe not. Blake brought good luck to the team. They won the first 4 games he attended. For those of you keeping score, Blake is now 4-2. Blake got to ride BART over to this past Saturday's game. Despite the look on his face in this picture, he was super excited on the train.

Too bad that fast-paced momentum on the train came to a screeching halt at AT&T.

Maybe Blake's new panda hat will bring the Giants some much-needed magic?

(He still has a worried look. Good luck Giants!)