Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Look Back

I found some old pictures I thought I'd share. They're in random order, and I have no idea when I took each of them. One thing I do know is this kid is cute!

Blake Likes Presents

Blake Considers Cal Poly For the Future

Morning Coffee With Dad

Blake Leaves His Footprints in Our New Walkway

Blake Goes Grocery Shopping

Blake Cuddles With His Dad

Blake Reads A Book

Blake Wears Big Kid Clothes

Blake After A Bath

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Momma Always Said... your veggies! Blake's been eating his for more than a month now. So far, he likes broccoli, squash, carrots, cauliflower, and peas. Impressive, eh?

I was reluctant to introduce fruit because, knowing how much sweeter it is, I feared he would love the taste so much that he would never want his veggies again.

Turns out I was wrong. Here he is trying a mushed up banana for the first time.

Now here he is with some mixed greens, still mushed up of course.

I guess Blake's going to continue to go bananas... over his veggies.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Land of the Quick 6

Happy half birthday,
Blake Thomas Becker!

The title of this blog is a reference to how quick life has passed us by since our son was born six months ago. (Plus, it's a bonus tribute to the official start of football season. Don't forget Blake already knows the sign for touchdown!

Here is the latest pictorial lineup, starting from today and looking backwards.

Six Months

Five Months

Four Months

Three Months

Two Months

One Month

One Day

Monday, September 6, 2010

Blake's Black Eye

I wish I could tell you some awesome story about a bar fight where Blake was protecting his fragile mom or something. But alas, that's not the case. As you know, it's the other way around. Blake is the fragile one, and I'm supposed to be protecting him. But as you can see in the pics below, I failed to do so this past weekend.

I sat Blake on the bed, and left the room for a mere moment. Of course, that's what you always hear. And as I quickly learned, it takes some babies only a few seconds to find their way off the bed and onto the floor. (To make matters worse, I think he his head on the bedside table on the way down.) Poor guy.

I frantically called the doctor's office and the amazing nurse Mary told me I didn't need to rush to the hospital as I had feared. Instead she proceeded to tell me about other moms who had dropped their babies on the concrete, and many more worse things than what happened to me (er, Blake). She gave me a list of a few scary things to watch out for, and thankfully none of those signs or symptoms ever materialized. In fact, within an hour after the fall, Blake was back to his old self, albeit a little swollen around the eye and forehead. So, he felt better. But I did not.

So we read the story about 8 silly monkeys jumping on the bed. You know the one. Eight silly monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his bed. Momma called the doctor, and the doctor said "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Bad monkeys. Bad Mommy. :(

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Despite the teething troubles, Blake isn't fussy 100% of the time. In fact, sometimes he's the exact opposite. There's nothing like hearing a baby laugh, and Blake's Dad knows how to make him laugh best.

Just call him: Tickle Me, Blake.