Friday, July 30, 2010

Mind the Gap

When do we get to go to London???

Take Me Out to the Ballgame (Part 2)

I think this is Blake's way of acknowledging how sloppy the Giants looked last night. Too bad because they'd been on a roll. Oh well. Baby Blake, his dad and I are looking forward to baby's first Giants game in two weeks. We can't wait to see them throw the ball around the infield.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Camper

Aaah, the great outdoors. No buildings, no beds, and no Facebook. But I couldn't let this experience go without a blog. As the title suggests, Ryan and I took Blake on his first camping trip. I guess he was sort of with me (or should I say I was with him?) on the same camping excursion last year, but Ryan and I were the only ones who knew it. (I was about 7 weeks pregnant.)

For the second year in a row, we pitched our tents in the Bodega Bay area with a group of friends. This year, the weather was perfect. A little less freezing at night, and a little warmer during the day. Both Blake and I got a little sunburn. Oops. Despite the slightly-red cheeks, Blake was a totally HAPPY CAMPER! Check out the fun pics.

No sun for our son: The fort Dad built on the beach

Blake likes to fly on the beach

The whole fam damily (right near where Ryan and I got engaged actually)

Ooh, those waves sound like my sleep sheep

I'd rather look at the camera than the waves

Dad took care of me when it got cold

And Mom put me in my camping jammies, kind of like a built-in sleeping bag

I was so cozy, sleeping in my pak'n'play right next to Mom & Dad in the tent

Of course, they covered my bed with a mosquito net. Thanks Mom & Dad!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Four Play

Four months have passed since Baby Blake was born. Hard to believe. Why do I feel as though four years will go by just as quickly? Sigh.

Blake's 4-month mark brought lots of firsts. As I wrote in the last blog, the doctor said as soon as Blake was four months, we could start feeding him rice cereal. Ryan and I didn't waste a moment. On the morning of July 10th, exactly four months since Blake's birthday, we sat him down for a little breakfast consisting of some soupy rice cereal. As you can see, he wasn't so sure about it...

I think he was just as confused by the long metal utensil in Dad's hand as he was about the texture of his new food. And Blake wasn't the only beginner. His mom and dad seemed to have forgotten one important ingredient when it comes to feeding a baby.

Lesson learned. The next day we used a bib.

Eating cereal wasn't the only first for Baby Blake that day. We took him to Folsom Lake and went swimming! Blake loves his baths, so I was pretty confident he'd like the water. Once we took him in, I wouldn't exactly say he liked it. But he didn't hate it either. Of course he had to wear a silly hat and get his clothes wet, so that could have contributed to the funny look on his face. Hey, at least the whole Becker family was wearing silly hats!

Perhaps the one thing Blake was familiar with on his four-month "birthday" was the camera. He's become quite the ham. Here he is, once again, next to Billy Bear. And as you can tell from the familiar pictures below that, he continues to get bigger and bigger. But then again, that's what babies do. All the while Mommies and Daddies sigh at how quickly time flies... when you're having fun.

Four Months

Three Months

Two Months

One Month

One Day

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Measuring Up

Blake had another big day at the doctor's office. Here's how he measures up:

16 lbs 1 oz (75th percentile)
26 inches (88th percentile)

Three vaccines, and about 3 minutes of crying. I figure one minute per vaccine isn't so bad. All this growing up apparently makes Blake tired.

The doctor also gave us the go ahead for solid foods. That is, if you consider rice cereal and mushed up veggies solid. Yummy.