Saturday, November 3, 2012

Orange October, Now onto November

October 2012 may have shaped up to be one of Blake's favorite ever months. Here's a look at why:

October wouldn't be complete without a trip to the pumpkin patch!

We went with our friends, the Pages. Blake and Henry enjoyed the trip on the tractor train.

Blake had plenty of pumpkins to choose from.

But it wasn't just all about pumpkins!

Blake and his dad got to go to game one of the freaking World Series!!! And the Giants won, and they won again, and they won again, and they won again! World Champs 2012! #OrangeOctoberIndeed

Back to Halloween now...

Blake decided he wanted to be Spiderman; this is at preschool right before their Halloween party.

This was Blake's first time trick-or-treating.
"Another house please, another house please, another house please, another house please."
-Blake Becker, October 31, 2012
Later that night, Blake enjoyed his loot.

Now onto November....